Templates and Resources

There are a range of templates, resources and suggestions of appropriate strategies available which can support autistic learners. This section of the Toolbox has collated a small sample of free resources available to download. This is to give a flavour of the types of materials you may wish to try out and/or use when working with learners who require additional teaching and support. They may also support learners who do not have additional support needs.

The Toolbox working group are not making any recommendations, but leave practitioners and others to evaluate these resources for themselves and establish the most appropriate materials for the individual needs of learners; there is no ‘one size fits all’. It would not be appropriate to use the same resources for every autistic learner. 

NAIT have shared their resources and some local authorities have kindly shared their resources and have made them available for download. 

Further resources and approaches for ICT are discussed in the technologies pages of this section of the Toolbox – see Technology.

NAIT – National Autism Implementation Team  

The NAIT Team are professionals from Education, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Psychiatry, who have considerable experience and expertise in working with individuals of all ages, their families and others who support them. NAIT provide practitioner to practitioner advice.

This cross sector partnership aims to support the delivery of the Scottish Strategy for Autism: Outcomes and Priorities 2018-2021, through facilitating evidence based actions in the areas of:

  • Education and inclusive practice
  • Assessment and diagnosis for children, young people and adults
  • Implementing neurodevelopmental pathways
  • Employment
NAIT Resources and Newsletters

COVID Information and Guidance

NAIT Anxiety Related Absence Guidance 2020 

The information is relevant for individuals with existing anxiety related absence prior to COVID-19 and also where this is newly emerging.


April 2020 

March 2020

Guidance and information 

NAIT: Equality Act Guidance 

NAIT: Evidence Based Toolkit 

NAIT Hyperacusis Guidance for schools 

NAIT Planning Meetings Guidance for schools

NAIT: Cognitive Theories Summary November 2019

Family Follow Up Meetings – a model for post diagnostic support in child services 2018

NAIT: Information for schools when a child receives a diagnosis of autism

NAIT: Safe Space Guidance for schools

A recording of the webinar presented by NAIT on the SCERTS Implementation held on the 25th November 2020 is available below.   

Select here to access the film on the Vimeo site 

select here to download the presentation handout

Select here to download the NAIT SCERTS Implentation Handout

Links to this and the recording of other NES AHP webinars are available in the digital solutions section of the AHP Learning site on TURAS Learn.

CIRCLE Resources 

These resources  aim to bring together and share good inclusive practice, focusing on approaches to improve the engagement and achievement of all learners including those who require additional support.

The CIRCLE resources were developed through a collaboration between Queen Margaret University, NHS Lothian and City of Edinburgh Council.  Based on the reflections and ideas of education staff, this resource provides practical strategies to support the underlying skills that pupils require to enable them to participate in school. The CIRCLE Framework is a way of organising and supporting input using a staged system of support, beginning with setting up an inclusive classroom.  Checklists and planning tools area included to support discussion, and can be used to document strategies used and record professional learning.  

Overall, the resources aim to empower education staff to support all pupils, to promote inclusive practice and to encourage effective collaboration between school staff, parents/carers, partner services and other agencies.

While strengthening a whole school approach they can also be used by individual practitioners improving their classroom setting or their approach to supporting individual learners.

For secondary practitioners there is an accompanying professional learning module which allows the CIRCLE resource to be explored in more depth.

CIRCLE Early Years 

CIRCLE Primary Resource International

CIRCLE Secondary Resource International

Fife Council Resources

Emotional Understanding and Regulation. Featuring Emotion Talks / Kitbag and 5 Point Scale

5 point scale example

Pupil Profile
(Word format) Fife

Pupil Profile Prompt Sheet
The profile is designed to be used as a detailed assessment of pupil needs which can then help future problem solving (especially for behaviour related to unmet needs) and specific target setting. 

Nursery to Primary Transition Checklist

Transition to new Primary Class

Transition Checklist Primary to Secondary

Year to Year Secondary Transition Checklist 

Falkirk Council Resources

Falkirk Council Disabilities Team Occupational Therapy Team have developed a range of resources to help parents and carers with children and young people with disabilities. These downloadable booklets are full of practical advice and information which staff working with children with disabilities may also find helpful. Select here to download further information on the booklets and to access the links for download.