NHS Education for Scotland Autism Resources
The following resources are available on the Knowledge Network.
The NHS Education for Scotland Autism Training Framework: Optimising Outcomes
The NHS Education for Scotland Autism Training Framework: Optimising Outcomes will help:
- Individual staff members to understand the values underpinning the Scottish Strategy for Autism. Individual staff members to identify particular strengths as well as gaps in their knowledge and skills
- Organisations to identify the levels of knowledge and skill their staff require to meet the needs of people with autism spectrum conditions and their families or carers
- Organisations to identify staff training needs that support the delivery of national guidelines. Education and training providers to reflect on the content of the courses they provide
- Individuals with Autism Spectrum Conditions, their families, carers and advocates be aware of their rights and entitlement to receiving excellent support, care and treatment.
The NHS Education for Scotland Training Plan for ASD
The Training Plan outlines the training needed to fulfil the requirements of the NHS Education for Scotland Autism Training Framework by (i) identifying currently available training; (ii) identifying gaps in training provision, and, (iii) guiding the development of appropriate training.
The Autism Knowledge and Skills (AKS): Self-assessment and Training Action Plan
The (AKS) Self-Assessment and Training Action Plan has been designed to assist individual staff members or service managers to record training needs when using the NES Autism Training Framework: Optimising Outcomes and the NES Autism Training Plan.
NHS Education for Scotland Web Resource on Autism Spectrum Disorders for GPs & Primary Care Practitioners
This resource is designed for any professional who is working in the health care system at the primary care level (e.g. General Practitioner, dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, podiatrists and speech and language therapists, Dentists, Optometrists, dispensing Opticians, Orthoptists, District Nurses, Practice Nurses and Dental Nurses). It may be employed for ongoing professional development or for those who have not had specific autism training as part of their professional qualifications. It may also be beneficial as an opportunity to refresh existing knowledge and skills. The design facilitates easy access to general information about autism and more specific clinical issues of interest to the busy primary care practitioner.
Childhood Trauma (NHS Resources)
We have included educational resources about childhood trauma in this Toolbox because neurodevelopmental difficulties, such as Autism, can be overshadowed by the impact of ACES, Complex Trauma, or vice versa, and it’s important to be mindful that these difficulties can often co-occur. For example, it might be hard to tease these issues apart in a child who has experience of the care system.
This NHS Education for Scotland e-learning resource unpacks childhood trauma a bit more.
This is the NES Trauma Training Framework.
Below are some useful videos and animations.
Resources that are available on Turas Learn.
Because Life Happens
This animation is a helpful engaging introduction to the concepts of transitions and change, the fact that they affect all of us and occur throughout our lives. It demonstrates, using 5 characters, why transitions and change may be more challenging for autistic individuals and the impact on those around them. Following the stories of our characters, staff learn how autistic people can develop strategies and how simple adjustments by staff and practitioners can support individuals to manage change.
Autism across the Lifespan: Transitions and Change, Because Life Happens!
This e-learning module has been developed in collaboration with Autism Network Scotland (ANS) and with the active participation of autistic individuals and the wider autism community. It uses the 5 characters from the animation to demonstrate in greater detail the key concepts of transitions and change, theories of autism and opportunities to reflect on personal experience of transitions and change. It also facilitates learners to identify personal and external resources available to autistic individuals that support resilience and the ability to manage periods of transitions and change.
The resource is appropriate for staff working across health and social care sectors in a variety of roles from autism informed, skilled, enhanced and expertise (see Autism Training Framework). Working through scenarios staff learn about their potential role in supporting individuals whilst recognising the roles also played by other health and social care staff, as well as family and the wider community, in supporting the autistic individual to not only manage transitions and change, but to aim to live fulfilling lives.
The resource includes information on where to go for further information, guidance and support.