Numeracy Support

Using a computer or tablet to support Numeracy

The assistive technologies that can support learners to access literacy can also support access to numeracy. For example, if reading text in a novel is problematic then it stands to reason that reading a maths problem in a text book is a barrier to the learner. In this scenario, text to speech software would enable the text to be read out loud using a computer voice.

There can be issues with using text to speech software with mathematical formulae, e.g. x2 will generally be read as “x2”, rather than “x squared”, which can be confusing. However, the technique is still very useful for word-based problems.

Assisted technology can support:

  • Number, money and measure
  • Shape, position and movement (including Time)
  • Information handling

Click on the drop-downs below to access free resources and further information.

Free numeracy resources

Books for All Scotland

The TeeJay and Heinemann Scottish Primary maths books are available for Scottish pupils with print disabilities from the Books for All Scotland database. See also: 

GLOW – The National Numeracy and Mathematics Hub   Education Scotland

The National Numeracy and Mathematics Hub is a virtual learning environment for all practitioners, providing an innovative approach to career-long professional learning across all sectors. 

Please note that you will need a GLOW log in to access this site. 

The Hub provides:

  • Professional learning in different aspects of numeracy with a focus on progression, numeracy and mathematics skills, numeracy across learning, assessment, moderation and teaching
  • Career-long professional learning opportunities of various types such as broadcasts, professional reading and action research
  • An easy to use environment where you can share and work with colleagues from across Scotland as well as those from your own school or authority.
  • Click here to download the CALL Scotland iPad Apps for learners with Dyscalculia/Numeracy Difficulties (see also, Resources bar, right). Click here for further information from CALL Scotland.
Interactive maths games and activities online

Here are some examples of good websites with maths activities to support the dyscalculic learner:

Further information can be found on the CALL Scotland Website.